
Four flexible formulas

House of Boards offers flexible and cost-effective formulas for providing expertise to reinforce and leverage your board. Complex problems, persistent bottlenecks, strategic issues, opportunities… House of Boards is happy to put its shoulders to the wheel.

The speed, years of experience and drive of our entrepreneurial network help accelerate your growth and success. House of Boards works both onsite and remotely. Efficiency and common entrepreneurial sense are always our guiding principles.

House of Boards - Company Monitoring

Company Monitoring

Corporate frames as a sounding board and sparring partner

House of Boards specialists screen your company for blind spots, supported by the necessary digital tools, and based on Business Intelligence (BI) software we set up for you. We write out your strategic company roadmap, monitor continuously and evaluate monthly. We chart board milestones and make suggestions to the board.


Experts on Call

A specialist on your board even for 3 hours

You gain access to an extensive network of top specialized talent covering every specific aspect of business. House of Boards will search for the right profile for you, even from a minimum of three hours. Thus, your board benefits from immediately deployable knowledge and additional capacity.

Experts On Call - Logo
Special Board Forces - Logo

Special Board Forces

The leverage for your board of directors

A task force of House of Boards specialists and your internal key people works with increased focus toward meeting a complex milestone. This task force works vertically, action-oriented, and in close consultation with general management. When available, the task force is also guided by insights derived from your Business Intelligence software.


Capital Investment

House of Boards is surrounded by banks, government agencies and investors who can concretely invest in your company or take a stake. This can take different forms depending on the goals you set as a board.

House of Boards analyzes needs and opportunities through equity or debt or a combination of both.

House of Boards - Capital investment