House of Boards

Company monitoring

Some aspects of your operations may not get the attention they deserve. This carries risks and can limit your growth.

House of Boards is your external sounding board in this regard and exposes the blind spots for you, so that you can deal with them decisively and in a timely manner.

House of Boards - Company Monitoring
Some possible blind spots are:
Company monitoring

Do you recognize the blind
spots in your business?

Blind spots are often invisible or overlooked. They can be either internal or external. But both can have an impact on the growth or performance of your business.

Often those blind spots are the result of coinciding, complex
circumstances. Just think about COVID, scarcity of people, resources and energy, geopolitical tensions and war, Brexit, supply chain disruptions, digital transformation, regulation, inflation….

Why Company Monitoring?

With the increased complexity and technicality of today’s business operations, it is important to stay strong, anticipate threats and reinforce weaknesses. Our Company Monitoring program gives your board a 360° view and identifies blind spots in your organization. House of Boards pools the insights of multiple entrepreneurs and specialists and helps you address these blind spots pragmatically.

Our process

Clear visibility into the status of your business

House of Boards draws on the human experience and expertise
of our entrepreneurial network in doing so, and is happy to work with digital tools and Business
Intelligence (BI) software that can give you the additional insight you need.

Step 1


Every business is different and requires its own approach. Based on interviews, surveys and digital monitoring tools, we map the status of the business. We identify the inhibitors and accelerators in your business, and bring clarity to critical aspects of governance.

Step 2

Plotting a roadmap

Based on the insights from our screening, we recommend a strategic roadmap. Which allows you to work in a focused way toward meeting your critical milestones.

Step 3

Monitoring, evaluating & reporting

We monitor and evaluate the effective progress of the proposed strategic roadmap. We report our findings and 360° suggestions monthly to the board of directors or advisory board.

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