An article about House of Boards was recently published in Made In West Flanders. The article highlights our unique approach to 360° corporate turnaround, where we support SMEs and large corporations through a mobile advisory board, specialized expertise, board-commissioned task forces and capital contributions. What makes House of Boards unique?
- Network: We have a particularly extensive (inter)national network with tentacles of Specialists, C-level executives, Entrepreneurs, Academics and Investors everywhere. They have update market information x skills x experience x drive. We deploy the network together with your own people.
- Brain cumul: Our network members have a giga hard drive full of proven years of experience and a fast processor that ensures that we switch very quickly along with your own key personnel
- Board leverage: the existing Advisory Board/Board can provide additional support to the CEO when complex issues arise through the use of Special Board Forces, House of Boards’ executive team. The Special Forces are driven by results in a minimum time frame
- Business Intelligence Dashboard: The dashboard is set up with KPIs, shared with a core team with daily interaction on results. This is a head start for the board. This allows the board to focus on strategy and decide on the options worked out
- Need capital? We spar your numbers and plans. The network of investors is used to find accelerated capital for your company
- Company Booster: the intelligent deployment from stock of advice x execution x funding x intelligent (AI) software x a driven multidisciplinary network x a mobile 360° advisory board leads to an acceleration of your company value = Accelerator Company Value